3 Things In My Life That I’m Thankful For

“The best and most beautiful things can’t be seen or touched – they must be felt with the heart.”
Author and Educator, Helen Keller  


I received this quote from an online application that I signed up to. It asks me to do something in connection with the quotes that I receive. So now I’m going to write about the 3 things in my life that I’m thankful for.

I have been in a situation where I felt like I’m the unluckiest person in the world. It felt like nobody can really help me and that I was all alone. I could only see and reflect about the negative things that happened to me and what went wrong. Those times are the worst and I’m sure everybody must have gone through that even once in their life.

I know how it is when all the negative things and emotions come like rain pouring down so hard that I overflow with sadness and negativity, but when I try to look back at the things that I have in my life, I realized that I’m still a very lucky person because of these three things:

1.  My Loving Family. My family is my greatest strength and my greatest weakness. My parents, younger sister and 2 brothers are the people who make me feel like I’m not alone. They are my comfort and I know that even if I fall down and make mistakes, they will still love me as me.

2. A Great and Intelligent Bestfriend/Mentor. He’s moody, funny, irritating and mean at times but he’s the best mentor and friend that I’ve had. He showed me how to love and value myself and that I’m worth more than I think I am. He opened me up to many possibilities and a different world, understands when I’m having my worst day and berate me when I’m being a drama queen.  A great friend is a gift indeed.

3.  My Laptop.    Haha…I know this might sound too materialistic but I won’t be able to read/browse/watch interesting things without it. I also won’t be able to write this blog without it!
There are much more that I’m thankful for and I try to look at the blessings in my life and be thankful for them everyday. If we realize that we are so blessed then we can learn to appreciate ourselves more.